A new academic volume considering the work of Sylvester Stallone has been published by Columbia University Press.
The Ultimate Stallone Reader: Sylvester Stallone as Star, Icon, Auteur is edited by Chris Holmlund, Arts and Sciences Excellence Professor of Cinema Studies and French at the University of Tennessee.
The official blurb for the book is as follows:
Sylvester Stallone has been a defining part of American film for nearly four decades. He has made an impact on world entertainment in a surprisingly diverse range of capacities – as actor, writer, producer, and director – all while maintaining a monolithic presence. With The Ultimate Stallone Reader, this icon finally receives concerted academic attention. Eleven original essays by internationally-known scholars examine Stallone’s contributions to mainstream cinema, independent film, and television.
This volume also offers innovative approaches to star, gender, and celebrity studies, performance analysis, genre criticism, industry and reception inquiry, and the question of what it means to be an auteur. The Ultimate Stallone Reader investigates the place that Sylvester Stallone occupies within an industry and a culture that have both undergone much evolution, and how his work has reflected and even driven these changes.
You can pick up a copy at the Columbia University Press website, or at Amazon.
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Alexandra GraysonAugust 28, 2014
As a writer and lifelong film aficionado I will definitely need to add this to my collection. It's also wonderful to see Mr. Stallone's epic contributions to the evolution of film being given the credit they sorely deserve but rarely receive.
stephen heyesJuly 6, 2014
Any chance of a shot out in manchester on the 1st of August ill be in the crowed... cheers big man
Mirko PaschkeMay 21, 2014
Hello, I'm from germany. Is this book also coming in german language??? That would be great! Greetz, Mirko
Hi Mr.STALLONE..... first of all THANKS FOR making EXPENDABLES franchise....because this movie is a greatest film of all time....why?....because - AN AMAZING CAST- Then, sir STALLONE pls Make a lot of sequels......4,5,6,7,8,and.....10000..........because Nobody makes this franchise, either// ALSO these actors will have to play in this SAGA...... STEVEN SEAGAL KURT RUSSELL JOHN TRAVOLTA NICOLAS CAGE SEAN CONNERY PIERCE BROSNAN JACKIE CHAN DANIEL CRAIG BEN KINGSLEY KEANU REEVES LIAM NEESON CLINT EASTWOOD MORGAN FREEMAN GERARD BUTLER BRENDAN FRASER MARK WAHLBERG BRADD PITT TOM CRUISE WILL SMITH AL PACINO ROBERT DE NIRO 50 CENT EMINEM JUSTIN BIEBER DONNIE YEN CHOW YUN FATT and bruce willis and mickey rourke also CHUCK NORRIS wil have to be in the next sequels..... thanks for creating this extraordinary excellent franchise.... PEACE ..........SLY...... i love you.... YOU ARE KING , LORD OF ACTION CINEMAS.....