The official website has been updated with loads of great Rocky Balboa content.
Check it out for photos, trailers and all your Rocky Balboa merchandise, not to mention an exciting Rocky Balboa messageboard where you can chat with other Rocky fans.
The final round of the Academy Award-winning Rocky franchise hits theatres Wednesday, December 20, 2006.
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Susan NelsonApril 8, 2023
I have been watching Rocky since I was in my late teens on the cusp of young womanhood. Enjoyed always the way Rocky loved and treated Adrian with like she deserved. Until I had to move to another place, and lost all my Rocky movies, I still watch it when it’s own. Thank Sylvester Stallion for my years of entertainment. I did have a chance to see your statue and take a photo in Philly. I wasn’t able to run up the stairs of the art museum but maybe one day. I love ❤️ you and your vision.
Cooper PettitNovember 6, 2021
I’ve seen all the Rocky AND Creed movies, love them
Peter Egley JrOctober 30, 2021
For Tommy. He and Donovan "Razor" Ruddock are probably my two favorite heavyweight boxers. George Bernard Shaw said, “Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.” Tommy Morrison, if nothing else, left behind what is in my mind a piece of art. It makes the crudeness of his life, his choices, and his death somewhat easier to take.
Colin JamesJuly 1, 2016
Please save the Rocky steps and sign this petition
Greg HillerFebruary 15, 2016
Stallone is putting these characters into the history of cinema. How will you remember Rocky Balboa and John Rambo? -
aTurkishWomanFebruary 8, 2016
I want to thank you that Rocky 'exists'. Whether fictive or not - there is a huge piece reality about life and the inner fight with life. Feeling of being lost - or even losing all kind to feel life. I manage my way in this world with the help of Rockys quotes and wisdom. As crazy at it may sounds - it helps me finding myself when I need guidance to keep moving forward # thank you #
NoudJanuary 13, 2016
I made a 20 minutes piano tribute of my hero Rocky Balboa with the lovely themes of Adrian:
LBJanuary 10, 2016
Is Paulie really dead? Check this out #Creed2
scottSeptember 29, 2015
Here's an idea for a video game.. rocky meets fight night round 3. The life of balboa! Start from the beginning to the end, training and all. Even with Tommy Gunn, make rocky responsible for Tommy's early fights!
denisMay 29, 2015
Bonjour, Je remercie Monsieur Stallone pour tous ses films de Rocky et de Rambo. Je les ai regardés durant de nombreuses années, et je les regarde encore. je suis un grand fan. Un grand merci encore.
Andrew LeMayMay 12, 2015
I just finished a script about Ivan Drago. What is the best way to get that script into your hands for consideration?
Mikaila RussellAugust 15, 2014
Sylvester Stallone, You are my inspiration through everything. I'm not sure if you'll read this or not, but I have been in love with you since 3rd grade when I saw your first Rocky movie! I talked about you all the time and I have a poster hanging of you in my room! I have a rocky shirt and own almost all your movies! You have helped through alot knowing your life story wasn't easy! Your quotes inspire me to be who I really am and I don't know who I'd be today without you! You're my idol ROCKY BALBOA! I love you so much and I get alot of hate at school being called anorexic and ugly all the time. I want you to know your the reason ignore them(: you are truly an amazing person and please stay like that forever! Love, Your biggest fan in the whole entire universe -Mikaila Russell
MadysenJune 17, 2014
Dear Sylvester Stallone, I just want u to know that because of ur movies and all the inspiration in them I want to be a proffesinal female fighter!!! Thx alot
HaileyJune 3, 2014
Also please make a Rocky 7. I saw that you are also going to be in a movie called Creed witch is based on the Rocky movies and its about Creeds son.
HaileyJune 1, 2014
Dear Mr.Stallone, Hi I’m 11 years old and I live In Illinois. I think you are such an awesome actor. I am very inspired by your Rocky movies. I am your #1 fan. The part of your movies that inspire me the most is when you are running through the town and everyone is cheering you on. Whenever I am playing a sport I think of that scene and I try as hard as I can and I do very well every time. I think you did a wonderfull job wrighting the script of Rocky. My favorite Rocky movie is probably the 2nd movie. In that one you probably did the best acting job. In all the movies you did a good acting job though. You are so awesome. Your #1 Fan, Hailey
HaileyJune 1, 2014
Dear Mr.Stallone, Hi I'm 11 years old and I live In Illinois. I think you are such an awesome actor. I am very inspired by your Rocky movies. I am your #1 fan. The part of your movies that inspire me the most is when you are running through the town and everyone is cheering you on. Whenever I am playing a sport I think of that scene and I try as hard as I can and I do very well every time. I think you did a wonderfull job wrighting the script of Rocky. My favorite Rocky movie is probably the 2nd movie. In that one you probably did the best acting job. In all the movies you did a good acting job though. You are so awesome. Your #1 Fan, Hailey
George L. RosadoApril 27, 2014
Good day Brother. I'm a Rocky Balboa fan since 1975. I remember the media talking about you, and your acting. That was a big year for me. That year,Chuck Wepner, your inspiration for the Rocky movies, lasted 15 rounds with Muhammad Ali, and from that moment forward, your career skyrocked. A friend of mine won an auction for the Muhammad Ali trunks that were worn at that fight, with the book The Greatest, and jump rope singed by Ali. It's been 39 years and I used them for a while, my children played with them also, but I still appreciate them and value them. If anyone is interested in seeing or buying the package, I can use some cash these days and will talk. E-mail me at ( or at my facebook account, I hope Rocky 7 will become a reality, I have watch them all.
Julio GonzalezApril 1, 2014
you know I had no idea they weren't trying have stallone play as rocky. well, I got to say, im happy he said no and got his roll as rocky himself because I don't think it would be the same without him. Rocky has inspired me in so many ways too. That’s why I felt it was only right I followed Mr. Balboa’s lead and become an inspiration myself, but I couldn’t do it without his help! lol I do music, and I decided to sample a scene from rocky 3 when him and Adrianne have that back and forth on the beach and came up with a song called Tuff Love. shot a video and everything! check it out and tell me what ya’ll think?
Julio GonzalezApril 1, 2014
I would most definitely check it out! I have something you might be interested in as well, I do music, and I decided to sample a scene from rocky 3 when him and Adrianne have that back and forth on the beach and came up with a song called Tuff Love. shot a video and everything! check it out and tell me what you think?
Julio GonzalezApril 1, 2014
you sure that wasn't a cig? lol
Julio GonzalezApril 1, 2014
I must say rocky has inspired me in so many ways. That's why I felt it was only right I followed Mr. Balboa's lead and become an inspiration myself, but I couldn't do it without his help! lol I do music, and I decided to sample a scene from rocky 3 when him and Adrianne have that back and forth on the beach and came up with a song called Tuff Love. shot a video and everything! check it out and tell me what ya'll think?
Travis scottMarch 15, 2014
I'm 43 years old and this movie is still as awesome as the first time I saw it. Great movie. No one could have played it better.
foguèsFebruary 15, 2014
bonjour suis un fan de rocky François de Toulouse(France)
Rhian FerrerJanuary 27, 2014
check out this Rocky painting.
Laura bissetOctober 15, 2013
My partner Michael wood private mailed sylvester Stallone face book page for my son he's 6 years old he really looks up to him he watches rocky everyday and I've also sent pictures of my son to show you how much he's inspired by the rocky films he puts on the rocky trainning and copy's all the trainning the picture I've sent is after my son jack copying rocky on the trainning on the rocky films if you could he would love a signed picture he checks his dads private mails everyday but nobody has got back to us would make his day thanks
Mick TruebloodOctober 13, 2013
Hey did any one else notice Rocky smoking a joint while he is walking down the street talking to Pauly in the first film? Email me at
Mike AcostaSeptember 19, 2013
I wrote an article on my website about the philosophy of the Rocky movies. For anyone interested in reading it, you can go here:
ShaunaJune 5, 2013
Hello Mr. Stallone, My name is Shauna and I'm currently 14, I just wish to say that I have a lot of respect for you. I read a bit about you online after watching Rocky all these years with my family (My Nana is a big fan too) and I can see how Rocky is not only a metaphor for going the ditance and trying hard, it's also an expression of your career in some ways. You never got the shot, you wrote Rocky and when somebody was interested you said no, not unless I can be Rocky. They came back and agreed. You hit big and your career was on the rise. Then you did Rambo, and I love this movie. I am extremely grateful you didn't give up. Because if you had you wouldn't have written your fantastic movies, and you wouldn't have starred in other movies and would not inspire thousands as Rocky did (including me). Even if you do not read this yourself personally, I want to write this out to express my gratitude and respect for you. I also wanted to express my love of your movies. Shauna, Manchester UK.
sachin devMarch 13, 2013
Hi,stallone i am a big fan of are a legend.i love your films very much.especially ROCKY SERIES.I am a big fan of rocky balboa.It is the best character in hollywood movie history and i like your dialog ''YO ADRIAN''. We fans are waiting for rocky7... I love you... (sachin dev,a small fan of sylvester stallone,india,kerala,calicut,pin-673007)
SineadNovember 19, 2012
hi i would love to buy my hubby a rocky balboa hooded dressing gown black with yellow trimming rocky on front Italian stallion on back with picture dwelling type material problem is bad reviews on this item on amazon customers saying it when washed black colour ran into yellow it was of very poor quality i want to buy good quality robe not the satin one though it has to be a warm winter one would appreciate you letting me know or advising me where to buy a good quality robe from a trusted site thank you would appreciate prompt reply as need to order for xmas! cead mile failte romhat thanks a million
DanielNovember 11, 2012
Hey sylvester do you know what stupid? my brothers friends are because they dont know what the Rocky movies are. some day I'm going to meat you and then I'm going to give you a big hug and I have a question do you accually read these or does somebody else read them and tell you which ones are worth reading cause I know thats what goverment people do. Hey did you vote for Rmney or Obama? why does everybody call you sly you know you are the most epic awesome inspirational person that ever lived my favorite of your movies is Rocky 3. are you going to make rocky 7 up above somebody was talking about it and I agree you should it could be with you being Mason Dixons trainer and theres this dude who beat him and he asked you to train him and at the end he wins and you guys hug and you all live happily ever the end
noe pachecoAugust 11, 2012
we love u sly !
AsenJune 17, 2012
HI Mr Stalone don't loos more time pls ,we all your fans WAITHING for number 7 pleas,We belive in you man you are 63 you still looking great ROCKY 7 ROCKY 7 ROCKY 7ROCKY 7ROCKY 7ROCKY 7ROCKY 7ROCKY 7ROCKY 7ROCKY 7ROCKY 7ROCKY 7ROCKY 7 i love you man you are the best of the best we all still hope. Thanks
ROLANDOJune 2, 2012
wadeApril 24, 2012
sylvester stallone i am awesome fan i have all 25 dvd of you :)
demi dixonMarch 8, 2012
sylvester stallone, what a legend you are, i can honestly say i am your biggest fan, i never stop talking about you, i love you!, my bedroom is going to be YOU!, yes i am 14:$, but everyone has there crush! please write back!<3
KcmDecember 26, 2011
Dear sly, I absolutely love you and are obsessed with you. I got a Christmas tree ornament with you face on it and I started crying I was so excited. I absolutely love you and basically know every word to every rocky movie. I am ridiculously obsessed really. I love you and would really love a reply please
JTNovember 21, 2011
Hi Sylvester Stallone, My name is JT Mahoney I love your best films for example ROCKY I,II,III,IV,V,and Rocky Balboa (VI) , Rambo 1,2,3,4. YOU ARE THE BEST ACTOR THAT EVER LIVED!!!! Please answer back soon JT Mahoney
giulia sgarziNovember 4, 2011
Hi Sylvester! I'm Julie and i'm 14 years old.I come from Bologna(Italy). I love you and i think that you are a fantastic actor. I have watched all your films. My favorite film are Rambo and Rocki. Please write me soon!!! :) With love Julie