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Stallone surprises fans at Broadway preview for Rocky musical

By Webmaster on February 16, 2014 / 1 min read

Sylvester Stallone surprised fans by climbing into the ring after the launch of Rocky on Broadway on February 13 at New York’s Winter Garden Theatre.

Flanked by stars Andy Karl and Margo Seibert, who play the Italian Stallion and Adrian respectively, Sly gave a warm speech before saying goodnight to the New York crowd.

The first Rocky movie, which was released in 1978, sees a small-time boxer picked for a title fight by the heavyweight champion of the world.

Rocky on Broadway opens to the public on March 13, 2014. The show features 20 original songs, with additional music taken from the original film series including ‘Eye of the Tiger’ and ‘Gonna Fly Now’.

Have you seen the show? Let us know in the comments!

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  • Lea Ann Irick WilliamsMarch 29, 2014

    Have all the Rocky movies. Love them all. Looks like you are doing a great job bringing the characters to life on Broadway. Wish I could see it. It would be a dream come true. I know there are lots of Rocky fans out there, but no matter how many times I watch it, I have to cheer and root for him. The movie is about hope and second chances. I know you will bring all that to life with the spectacular that is Broadway!

  • Dr. Mike WeinbergMarch 22, 2014

    ROCKY is loved in Asia and Russia and has tremendous market potential, here, unrealized!

  • REMBOMarch 14, 2014

    I can imagine the shock of all viewers. I live in Ukraine and dream of you to come to us

  • juanMarch 12, 2014

    mith/.. and i can see a godd guy... totally fan of sly!

  • AntonMarch 12, 2014

    Sly, You're the best! You know and love in Russian! Thank you for your creativity and heartfelt movies.

  • VirginieMarch 10, 2014

    Sly, I love you

  • LindaMarch 9, 2014

    I saw the play last evening. It is beautifully done and exciting and it is an experience.

  • GarryFebruary 18, 2014

    Bring Rocky the Broadway musical to Sydney Australia, I will book front row tickets

  • Kathryn PanaroFebruary 18, 2014

    Congrats to everyone and Sylvester Stallone! God has Blessed him and Loves everyone and is there for you. Now, during Eastertime, we need "Passion of The Christ" on Broadway! Stallone...encourage your friend Gibson...we Need The Gospel... On Broadway! I'm sending a letter to ICON. THANKS AGAIN Stallone and looking forward to the Expendables 3 :) ALL Inspiring stories... Good ALWAYS Wins ... God Bless All

  • EddyNiceFebruary 17, 2014

    This event made ​​news worldwide.

  • AnnaFebruary 17, 2014

    As always, the arrival on the scene of the legendary Sly' has created a lot of excitement and surprise of those present in the theater!! It is a myth. There nothing more to add!!!! :-]

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