Warning: In a recent examination of autographed Sylvester Stallone memorabilia on the internet auction site eBay, we were unable to authenticate most (if not all) of the Stallone signatures.
Please be careful when purchasing any signed Sylvester Stallone items from eBay, and always obtain concrete proof from the seller. Do not accept ‘certificates’ that can be printed at home. If you have already bought an item from eBay and are unsure about whether it is genuine, send a small scan in jpeg format to the webmaster, and we will try our best to authenticate it for you (within reason).
Thanks for listening.
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ron gantzJune 18, 2015
i have poster signed by him and dna has confirmed it and was confirmed6 or seven years ago Ebay wount let me post it
steveDecember 10, 2012
I am trying to get a sylvester stallone signature authenticated.is this the webmasters address?