‘Real Love: Paintings 1975-2015’ is an art exhibition at the Galerie Contemporaine du Musée de Nice which encompasses four decades of Sylvester Stallone’s work as a painter, from his earliest figurative works to his most recent large abstract canvases.
Although Stallone is best known for depicting classic characters like Rocky and Rambo on the big screen, Stallone’s ‘real love’ has always been the visual arts and has a deep lifelong passion for painting and sculpting.
Described as ‘primal’ and ‘highly expressive’, Stallone’s work draws on themes of time, celebrity and hope with startling honesty. Though many might discover Stallone’s work because of his international fame as an actor, the ways in which his unique history is represented on the canvas is distinctive in its own right. His “Finding Rocky” (1975), precedes the script and release of the seminal film.
Stallone’s retrospective in Nice follows his critically acclaimed 2013 retrospective at the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, “Sylvester Stallone. Painting. From 1975 Until Today.” The landmark St. Petersburg retrospective continues in ‘Real Love’, which includes some painting displayed for the first time.
Stallone has the Rocky spin-off Creed slated for a November 25th release, and has recently been confirmed to voice a character in the forthcoming Ratchet & Clank movie, an animated film directed by Kevin Munroe, due in theaters April 29, 2016.
“Real Love: Paintings 1975-2015” is at the Galerie Contemporaine du Musée de Nice until May 30, 2015.
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wendy rootSeptember 8, 2015
amazing!! im 41yr old been "supporter of any and all your films", since the very first rocky. (i snuck and saw another film in puberty). its so cool to now know,"art too". just wanted to comment on this finding..... new news to me and would LOVE to be able to have a piece of your art!! You r an inspiration to many, lifes too short...thought for sure when i was young i would eventually meet you!! I guess its impossible for a regular small town ky girl to meet ya/know ya etc. p.s. heres an idea," family Swap" for 4 tv. got volunteers! ha! Me and my silly sistas from KY. heres a photo of us on the yard (oops sorry cant send it)??
Michael BeeneAugust 9, 2015
I just heard the great news that you have excepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. That is awesome! Now I know why I have always loved your inspirational movies. You are an eternal treasure to God. We have a mission base in the mountains of Guatemala and have been living there for 30 years. One of our favorite pastimes has always been watching Rocky movies. God bless
NickBainAugust 4, 2015
Love your paintings. Always have, I remember when I was a kid and purchased a shirt with your painting on it at the Mall of America. The maid stole it! Hope they enjoyed it! Keep the artwork coming!
SJuly 6, 2015
Mr. Stallone. You, yourself are truly a work of art. It's been an awesome pleasure & privilege to have been able and still continue to enjoy you as an actor, writer, director, painter and more. Thank you for giving us Rocky, Rambo,Robert Hatch, Cosmo Carboni, Ray Tango,Joe Bomowski, Gabe Walker ...Razor Sharp & Barney Ross-so many great characters. You've been an inspiration. May the Good Lord bless and keep you on your birthday & to see many, many more. This is only the beginning. I look forward to CREED.
Dr Govosdis VasiliosJuly 5, 2015
the road back homeJune 29, 2015
thanks for being here sly! look forward to the next rocky. great human being and sense of humour that can't be bought.
aditya vashishthaJune 22, 2015
great work sir ,i mean such a multitallented person........n ur always a inspiration for all youth and elderly people for great fitness n physique........#biggestslyfan
michaelaJune 18, 2015
a real, intelligent person/human being for the little people and multi-gifted. leonardo! grassroots. good luck and much critical acclaim/success with creed. underdog for humanity. bring back the indie! peace.
Pieter JansenMay 31, 2015
FInally got the DVD deluxe from the USA. Still a great movie mister Stallone. Hope that we the fans get to see a somewhat more tougher you and the rest of the cast in Expendables 4 with hopefully Michael Dudikoff (american ninja cult movies and so forth.) as a ninja enemy and hopefully he is given a good large part. But as the wise man once sang: "You can use your illusion let it take you where it may but live and learn and know sometimes it's best to walk away" ;- ) We hope Michael Dudikoff will be in Expendables 4 and part 5. Loved the paintings !!
Dj AndersonMay 29, 2015
Like you're purple shirt, you are kind of wearing the reverse of what some would wear as a design on a shirt instead of on a suit.Interesting , I like some of you're work,The red figured piece is really a dark deep expression of something on you're mind.Keep on showing you're style! , it's intense.Dj
Allan SMay 28, 2015
wow, i love the creativity in the approach of your work, am so inspired..
Christina LMay 24, 2015
I was hoping to read the artist's statement; is there a link or another place to find it?
Gilles from FranceMay 21, 2015
Hello SLy, years have passed so far since the day I saw you in Copenhagen in 1986, I 'm now very pleased of your big succes!!! See you maybe in BH next february where I will go for vacations!!
Paul Nicholas, Cell: 757-510-5217May 19, 2015
Sly, great works. Thank you for sharing. I have followed you ever since I saw you in Rocky III. You have been a mentor to me from age 16. Now I am 50 and still looking up to you. Thank you, Paul.