Sylvester Stallone has announced plans to launch a men’s clothing line under his new lifestyle company Sly Inc.
The brand, titled ‘Stallone’, will launch in 2012, and will take inspiration from Sly’s career defining roles as Rambo and Rocky. According to Sly Inc. president Michael Henry, the line will be targeted at “the rebel and the gentleman” in every man. Exciting news for all stylish Stallone fans.
Although price points are still yet to be confirmed, the line is targeted at men between the ages of 25 and 40. The first collection, set to debut in 2012, will feature clothing and watches, eyewear and grooming products, with fragrance and shoes to follow. Stallone also discussed the reasons for his foray into fashion. He said he became “truly involved in style” after Rambo 2, when he lost 25 lbs: “Nothing fit, so I started buying custom clothing,” he said. “I found out I really like this world.”
Stallone said he had previously turned away several offers to work with other apparel companies, but now feels ready to take on the challenge of developing his own brand: “I really believe I have an understanding of the male psyche on all levels. I want to expose people to things that will work and this is the apropos time. I’m not experienced in this field, but we have the proper team to move this vision along.”
Check back for the latest on the new clothing line as we hear it. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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Brian ChildressMay 19, 2011
Sylvester Stallone, That sounds like a great idea. I will buy your clothing when it comes out. Marine overseas, Brian Childress
Senol OnbasiApril 29, 2011
Conratulations!!! Yes, i buy it defenitly !!!! I can not wait, i think your collection its bautyful, italian flair and a mix from Rocky. Greating from Berlin Germany Onbasi
Flávio DannaApril 27, 2011
I`m Flávio Danna from Brazil. I`m a great fan. I watch the RAMBO I and start my training in a gym. Today I`m World Championship in Powerliftg 14 times thanks the Silvester Stallone. I have a lot thinks about your moves like ane Mercury 51. I will go to USA all year and I would like know you a lot. I hope that you reply me. Thank you.
RichardApril 27, 2011
I too end up making my own clothes and love how Stallone looks in most of his. I can't wait.
MatteoApril 27, 2011
As a SUPER fan of Sly, I will not miss the chance to wear one of her dresses!
basukiduttaApril 25, 2011
hey guys iam will be probably be one of the biggest fans of slyvester.Every day i make it a point to watch atleast one of the sly movies.Ofcourse my favs definetly includes rambo n rocky series.U knw everytime i watch any of the rambo like first blood,first blood part 2,rambo 3 n rambo 4 i liked it even more.Even yesterday night i wtaching sly cliffhanger.So slyvester is one n only fav superstars of hollywood,i thnk not any star or actor of hollywood comes any thing close to stallone when its comes to making maovies.He is the best hollywood n the world has got.He our john rambo n rocky balboa italian stallion aft all.
Cynthia AchuApril 23, 2011
COOL!!!!! Success, I LOVE YOU SLY!!!!!!
RodApril 18, 2011
Yo Sly, You're simply the best. My whole life is going to be a one in a million shot as soon as I get the black leather tiger jacket from Rocky II. Then, peoples,will tell me: Yo Rod, you aint a bum. Congrats from Alex and Rod (Strongest Rocky Fans all over the world)
JaxonApril 17, 2011
EthanApril 16, 2011
Awsome!!!! But I could not get any clothing because Im only 10 but Im a huge Rocky fan.I LOVE ROCKY IV!!!!!!!!!!
MichaelaApril 12, 2011
I am in love with Stallone <3 I wear some mens clothes (basketball shorts, shoes, sunglasses, t shirts) and when the line comes out, I'm buying some stuff! He is so hot! I really hope this stuff comes out well! (Even if it doesn't, as long as its affordable, I'm buyin' stuff!) (: _ <3 _
LenaApril 9, 2011
Hi, Mr.Stallone! It`s brilliant idea, I will expect so much for this clothing line! I really love Rocky and the way he looks like, especially in first and second parts with his black hat and jacket with the tiger on his back. Cobretty also was pretty cool! I think its gonna be greatest brand ever! Good luck and God bless you!
amirApril 8, 2011
congratulation Mr Stallone i am from iran
Jesse CassellApril 8, 2011
Much success with this new business venture, I hope it is promising. YOU ARE THE LAWWWWW -Jesse
Daniel R.April 8, 2011
Sly, you´re historical! I will definitely wear the "Stallone" collection.. Hope for some suits in this collection! //DR
NathanApril 8, 2011
The clothing Stallone wore in Cobra was cool. So was that red shirt he wore in Rambo 2 at the beginning.
vince mancariApril 7, 2011
COOL: Mabey Sly will bring back the retro gray sweats with shorts over the jogging pants!!!Im 36 yeras old, and very active . Still to this day when i train ;sometimes throwing on the gray hoodie jump suit with shorts, just gives me the motivation i need for that 3 to 4 hour tuff workout. Oh pardon me; i almost forgot about the rolled up stocking cap! One could tell that Mr. Stallones clothes are fitted. He is always dressed to the 9'ssss. Im hoping that the clothes he is going to be envolved in are geared tworads athletic builds. P.S I miss the Instone Procducts!!!!(they were great) Yours Truly, Vincenzo mancarI
salarisApril 7, 2011
When the clothing line is out in 2012,is it possible to buy it online on the internet ??? Hi bernardo from belgium.
Georgios PatsosApril 5, 2011
Hi Sly, great idea. I love the way you and your famous characters dress. Maybe you bring out a Cobretti line too. Hopefully, i can afford at least a pair of socks with my small budget sallary..:) Keep going, brother in heart. George
ShaneApril 4, 2011
OMG...I cant wait to see what "sly brand" has instore for us. Over the years i've collected everything with Sly on it, so i think i'm gonna have to get another part time job to afford my new hobbie....Sly brand products...Great Job Sly , God Bless you man..
Jacques TanguayApril 3, 2011
Can't wait to see everything... Hope that some things will be accessible in terms of price... As a Big Sly fan, i would like to get me a couple of things..!