Fifteen years after the last installment, Sylvester Stallone is reprising his role as boxing champ Rocky Balboa in the sixth Rocky movie!
Sly will write and direct Rocky Balboa, which will begin shooting in Philadelphia and Las Vegas next year. The story will focus on an aging, widowed Rocky, who returns to the ring once more to challenge a powerful champion. “I am drawing on a lot of my feelings that are in sync with many people’s feelings about facing the last chapter of their lives and how they want it to be written,” Stallone said.
Stallone wrote all the Rocky films and directed the second, third and fourth entries. The first movie, released in 1976, won three Oscars, including best picture and best director for John G. Avildsen. This is glorious news for fans of the series who have longed to see Stallone return to the iconic character.
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