Las Vegas is an American television series that aired on NBC from September 22, 2003 to February 15, 2008. The show focuses on a team of people working in the fictional Montecito Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada—dealing with issues that arise within the working environment, ranging from valet parking and restaurant management to casino security.

The series originally centered around Ed Deline, (James Caan) a strict ex-CIA officer who went from being Head of Security to becoming President of Operations of the Montecito, whose job is to run the day-to-day operations of the casino. Following his departure from the series in Season 5, former Marine Danny McCoy (Josh Duhamel), Ed’s former protege, became the Montecito’s new President of Operations.

Other characters that work with McCoy include current Head of Security and Surveillance, and former Head Valet, Mike Cannon (James Lesure) who plays an integral role in investigations due to his engineering degree from MIT.

Sylvester Stallone appeared as Frank the Repairman in the Season Two episodes ‘To Protect and Serve Manicotti’ and ‘When You Got to Go, You Got to Go’ (2005).

Summary via Wikipedia.