Homefront follows a widowed former DEA agent (Statham) who retires to a small town with his 10-year-old daughter. However, he soon crosses paths with a group of drug traffickers, led by a meth kingpin (Franco), and his retirement does not go to plan.
Sylvester Stallone wrote the screenplay for the film, which is adapted from the original novel by Chuck Logan. The film will be released in the US on November 27, 2013 and December 6, 2013 in the UK.
Update: there is also an age restricted version of the trailer, available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTqeM2INY5c
What do you think of the trailer? Will you be checking out this Stallone scripted project on the big screen?
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JoeJuly 3, 2014
Sly: I have a script based on true events. I want to pitch it to U. It will be your next HUGE hit. Has everything, boxing Martial Arts, comedy, drama, music and Miami. A schmuck and pendejo get in over their heads and it all really happened. Think Dumb And Dumber Meets The Sopranos.
Martin SNovember 2, 2013
Thumbs up for the great british action hero!
Richard HarrisOctober 23, 2013
WOW looks awesome, Stallones script is brilliant! An action flick to bring back the memories of the great stallone flicks Jason is a monster!
MariaOctober 23, 2013
Vorrei sapere quando esce in italia... Grazie.