The Expendables 2 is a 2012 American ensemble action film directed by Simon West and written by Richard Wenk and Sylvester Stallone, based on a story by Ken Kaufman, David Agosto and Wenk. It is a sequel to the 2010 action film The Expendables, and stars Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Chuck Norris, Randy Couture, Terry Crews, Liam Hemsworth, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bruce Willis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The film follows the mercenary group The Expendables as they undertake a seemingly simple mission that evolves into a quest for revenge against Jean Vilain, a rival mercenary that has murdered one of their own, and who threatens the world with a deadly weapon.
The Expendables—leader Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), knives specialist Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), hand-to-hand combat specialist Yin Yang (Jet Li), heavy weapons specialist Hale Caesar (Terry Crews), demolitions expert Toll Road (Randy Couture), the unstable Gunnar Jensen (Dolph Lundgren), and sniper Billy the Kid (Liam Hemsworth), the team’s newest recruit and Ross’ protegée—are deployed to Nepal to rescue a Chinese businessman. There, they also rescue the captured mercenary Trench (Arnold Schwarzenegger), Ross’ rival. Yang parts with the group to escort the businessman back to China.
After returning to New York City, Billy tells Ross that he intends to retire by the end of the month to live in France with his girlfriend Sophia, and Ross accepts his decision. Later, Ross is forced to accept a mission from CIA operative Mr. Church (Bruce Willis) to retrieve an item from a safe in an airplane that was shot down in Albania. Church sends technical expert Maggie (Yu Nan) with the team to crack the safe. In Albania, the mercenaries successfully retrieve the item, but are then ambushed by international criminal and arms dealer Jean Vilain (Jean-Claude Van Damme) and his mercenary group, the Sangs, commanded by Vilain’s bodyguard Hector (Scott Adkins), who have captured Billy.
It’s hunt and kill time for The Expendables.
Summary via Wikipedia.