Here is an exciting event for your calendars.
Don’t miss your opportunity to spend an evening with movie legend Sylvester Stallone, LIVE, on stage for a candid interview and Q&A session that will delve into his extraordinary life and career.
Buy your tickets at Fallsview Casino Resort’s Box Office (open noon on show days), at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling Ticketmaster at 1-877-833-3110 or buy tickets online.
If you have tickets, let us know how much you are looking forward to the event and don’t forget to post back afterwards to let us know your thoughts about the experience.
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steven rushworthJuly 18, 2014
Dear MR Stallone, My son is a big fan of yours and I was wondering if you could send him signed autograth of your self if possible he would be made up thanks. 15 westfield Avenue oakes Hudderfield Hd3 4fn Kind Regards Steve Rushworth
Kristi WalshFebruary 29, 2012
I went to the show on 2/24/12 and LOVED it! Sly was awesome- funny, charming, smart and so motivational. This is why I love him. I had the best night ever! Thanks, Sly! And, I would also love to get a copy of the taped show. If anyone knows how please let me know.
SeanFebruary 29, 2012
Still can't believe I saw what I saw...Had a great time at the Fallsview Casino on Saturday the 25th show. Sly was totally on his game and had the audience in the palm of his hand. I know they were video taping the show that night and if anyone knows where and when I can get a copy of the taping that would be great. I know it was a once in a lifetime event for me but would love to get another chance someday.
Vincent CavoFebruary 24, 2012
What A Total Disappointment We come all the way out to the show and I'm denied entry. My son is an avid Stallone fan and we thought we can get in but because he is only 17 yrs old he cannot enter the Avalon Theatre. Its Canada's law I guess which is totally ludicrous. YOU HAVE TO BE 19 to enter, what a joke. What a great disappointment for a child with Aspergers.I would only hope that Mr Stallone appears somewhere in the United States so we can at least have an attempt to attend a wonderful show like this. Signed Vin Cavo Whitesboro NY
AlanFebruary 22, 2012
Wow what a wonderful experience this will be . Finally get to see him up close and personal. This will be a great memory and keep sake to have.. I Live near by the casino I heard there is a BIG snow storm coming for this friday figures all this nice weather and now a snow storm when Sly comes to town. I'm sure he'll prepare himself for our weather and arrive Safely.
Kristi WalshFebruary 17, 2012
When I was about 2 years old my parents said I got hooked on Rocky. Rocky II had already come out and shortly after III did. I would run around the coffee table while he would train in the movie. My obsession started from there. Sly is truly inspiring and has had a huge impact on my life. My dog's name is Clubber Lang, my license plate is "SOTHPW 1" and I just named my son, John Rocky. I am a marathon runner and "Gonna Fly Now" is quite a motivator! I could go on and on.... I am thrilled to go see Sly on 2/24/12. It's pretty much completing my Bucket List. :) The oldest son is 2 years old and I am proud to say that he now runs around the house while Rocky trains. It's his favorite movie. (Oh, and did I mention that I bake a cake every July 6th to celebrate Sly's bday?) What will Sly do next?!
Rebecca SousaFebruary 12, 2012
I have been waiting almost 8 years to be able to see Sylvester Stallone. I am one of his biggest fans, even going as far as getting the word "Rocky" tattooed on my back. Seeing him will be a dream come true for me. This event will be the biggest night of my life. Every time I think about it my eyes water.
darren hughesFebruary 6, 2012
those meet and greet prices are for the charity dinner he is attending in hamilton
Mariano AudisioJanuary 30, 2012
bella roseJanuary 29, 2012
wish i had a picture with him.........i would treasure it so much!!!!!!!
bella roseJanuary 29, 2012
omg..............wish is could go.......
ginaJanuary 29, 2012
Does anyone have any information about how you can purchase VIP tickets to this show? When I call ticketmaster or the casino they both have no information.
steve beckerJanuary 29, 2012
yes, you can meet him. it's $250 for the VIP section/$1000 for a photo-maybe handshake
steve beckerJanuary 29, 2012
for $1000 you in VIP section can meet and photo MR Stalone get a Passport for canada visit [feb 24 25 2011] at niagra falls casino
bella roseJanuary 21, 2012
i want to go.......too far to drive there in the sad!
NicoleJanuary 19, 2012
Has anyone been to this event "An Evening with Sylvester Stallone"? I was wondering what it was like and what are the chances for autographs from Stallone???
ColetteJanuary 19, 2012
Arrrgghh Im a huge fan of Sly have been since I was 14 years old! I just heard he was coming to Niagara and so I checked and guess what my husand is taking me to Florida that week!! I would happily stay behind so I could go and see Sly but I dont think it would wash with my hubby! So Im just hoping he does some more of these shows soon!!
Vincent CavoJanuary 18, 2012
Hello and to whom it may concern. I am extremely dissapointed about the evening with Sylvester Stallone because I have a son thats 17 years old and not able to attend. Sly By far is his favorite celebrity ten times over. My son is special he is brilliant He suffers from a form of Autism called Aspergers. I live in Whitesboro NY and last year when Sly was inducted to the boxing hall of fame we attended all the events in hopes to meet Sly to no avail. We went to the celebrity dinner and Vincent Jr was very excited to see Sly but to take a photo with Sly or talk to him was impossible. I am writing this cause I would hope that I got an answer via email by someone that maybe can help us out. We are coming to Niagara Falls Canada in hopes of meeting my sons lifelong dream Sly Stallone. We Really want to go to the show also but Ticketmaster said the Promoter of the event said No one under 19 is permitted.It would be Deeply Appreciated if someone contacted me as soon as Possible that would really make our day. Thank you very Much Sincerely Vincent J Cavo Sr
George L. RosadoJanuary 11, 2012
I'm a Rocky fan, and also a rambo fan, and watched Sylvester's Stallone's movies over and over. I wish I could meet Mr. Stallone some day. Back in 1975, a friend of mine gave me the trunks that allegedlly, Muhammad ali wore durig the Ali- Wepner fight, alone with the skipping rope and the book, (The Greatest) by Ali. I hope he is interested on this for his collection or museum. I wish him the best on everything he does, because he gives his all on his performances.
marina JabsJanuary 3, 2012
You should plan a film withnthe titleRocky Balboa-die legende lebt. The premier appearance will be in HAM;BURG old Opernhouse. I´ll be y<our couch durectlywhne you are able and ready to pay the hours Wendy Stasllone registrated as Marina Jabs
concepcion riarteJanuary 2, 2012
Sos un hombre al que admire siempre, y lo sigo haciendo solo que ahora el primer lugar lo tiene Jesucristo en mi vida, y me hace feliz que en tus ultimas peliculas incluyas tu fe en El, Dios te ha bendecido mucho en todas las areas de tu vida.Me hace feliz verte tan bien con tu hermosa familia y que siempre estes triunfando en todo lo haces. Sos una gran fuente de inspiracion, creo que tenes mucho de tus personajes dentro tuyo, no se si este sera tu verdadero mail, ojala que si. Cuando era mas chica (11- 12 años,ahora voy a cumplir 37)estaba enamoardisima de vos y decia que te iba a conocer despues creci y lo vi como algo imposible, pero ahora que conozco al Señor Jesus Nuestro Dios,algun dia viaje donde estas y me lo conceda, ja ja ja seria maravilloso. Te deseo lo mejor estas increible, fisicamente y espero que aun mas espiritualmente que piedas conocer mas del amor de Cristo para tu vida. Espero Dios bendiga cada dia tu vida tus proyectos y a tu familia. Me vi todas tus peliculas aunque las den repetidas en la tele las miro igual, ja ja ja. Sos un hombre muy especial y admirable y las pocas criticas que hayas recibido en tu vida son pura envidia, porque Dios te hizo HERMOSO. Te mando un monton te abrazos, sos genial. Conce.
Tyler RichardDecember 29, 2011
Got the tix for christmas. CAN NOT WAIT to get a bit of Sly's humour and story telling told up close and personal
Mike KlamutDecember 25, 2011
I would love to attend this, but does anyone know if you will get to meet Sly at all maybe for an autograph or picture?
JessDecember 25, 2011
Oh my Gosh! My parents just gave me tickets to this for Christmas! The only thing that would make this better would be if Sly has a bit of a meet and greet afterwards/before or something...
darren hughesDecember 13, 2011
i have been a fan since i saw rocky as a kid. my wife and i have our tickets for feb 25. i just want to thank mr.stallone for a lifetime of entertainment and that i can't wait to see him in person! cheers!
SharonDecember 12, 2011
I got myself a flight ticket and I will be there for sure! I would love to meet some fans as well, so please, if you have plans to arrive to Canada, contact me at my email address. Counting the days. XXX Sharon de Koning.
Mariano AudisioDecember 6, 2011
en argentina Sly es un idolo para muchisimos...
Is GoneDecember 6, 2011
Stallone is a waning man. Except for a few lucky hits - never had a chance with those straight to dvd movies...
derek burtonDecember 6, 2011
BossDecember 5, 2011
la oportunidad que estuve esperando desde hace mas de 20 años no me la pierdo thanks Mr. Stallone
Changes In LongitudeDecember 5, 2011
Hi, We are from Philadelphia and traveling around the world for a year with a miniature Rocky statue, taking pictures of it with Rocky fans around the globe. We'd love to meet fellow Rocky fans and someday,hopefully,the real Rocky. Here's the link to us: Cheers! Mike and Larissa
Mariano AudisioDecember 5, 2011
Enzo LubuschDecember 4, 2011
Devo dire questo..Rocky sei il miglore di tutti, un sogno di vederti, parlarti, sarrebbe il sogno stringerti prima che andrai a l'altro mondo - sei verament il charattere di questo secolo. Enzo da Tennessee!!!
Mariano AudisioDecember 1, 2011
sly es el gran icono hollybudense, el capo del cine de accion!!!
Mariano AudisioNovember 28, 2011
ImamNovember 27, 2011
I'm an Indonesian, I say you nothing but 'good luck'. You've inspired us to always be better and best..
Mariano AudisioNovember 27, 2011
amy + courtneyNovember 26, 2011
Come to London! We would drive hours to see you any day! much love xxx
elsa finucciNovember 25, 2011
sono veramente rimasta a bocca aperta, tra montegrappa e il calendario....volo.....!!!!
Michelle MoncadaNovember 24, 2011
HAPPY THANKSGIVING, "ROCKY!" :P I'm getting tickets as we "speak." Undecided if I wanna fly (not really >:( ) or drive the HEMI Challenger from Chicago in Febuary. Your movie persona is so inspirational to me, namely the "Rocky" character. I was given (possibly permanent) brain damage from my ex landing me on a tile floor onto my head, and as I sat in an HBOT chamber for an hour a day for a month, I watched all the Rocky movies back-to-back. I noticed he got beat up by bigger and bigger guys in each film :), and when your character said in the first film that the morning after a fight was the worst; I knew EXACTLY what he meant. Hee hee. :) I also identified with Mickey when he said Apollo wouldn't just hurt you, he'd hurt you PERMANENT...well, I fully understood that, too. :) I have to say I'm actually glad for it, because I got to meet so many incredible women from author Lundy Bancroft's recent retreat (he's on my facebook friends if you're interested in helping use the respect so many men have for you for battered women); and I got to know that women don't incite grown men to be cruel and abusive. We had a lot of warped jokes at the weekend, but it was OK because it was us "veterans." But it was good to laugh at all of it. I think about the Rocky character every day, and how THAT'S how a man is supposed to act with someone he loves. I bought a Blu-ray player JUST for the Rocky "extras." I also applied for a passport JUST for this occasion! (Que Sinatra: "I'm gonna live, 'til I die, I'm gonna laugh, 'stead of cry...")...maybe us battered women will setup a reunion up there in Ontario with your show...
rebecca brittonNovember 23, 2011
i vote you come to tulsa. there are alot of your fans here. i know cause i am one of your biggest fans.
Amanda NealeNovember 23, 2011
I run a management and bookings agency and am a singer. I have also run a children's talent show. I have 4 children, and a marathon runner. My inspiration is Sylvester Stallone. I have always watched his films as a child and now as an adult. His hardwork and ability to keep going and producing amazing work is an inspiration to us all. A credible actor and genius. I hope one day I have a chance to meet him when he comes to England. Good luck with the musical.xx
Mariano AudisioNovember 18, 2011
MaksimShirjaev33November 17, 2011
высококвалифицированный сантехник в Киеве
Tobias EldestenNovember 17, 2011
SeanNovember 17, 2011
Got mine!!! Can't wait for February in Niagra Falls....(guess Siberia was booked up). Once in a life time chance to see him live....don't care if it is a seven hour drive on a good day.....I am there!!!
lorenzo axisaNovember 16, 2011
I wish that someday this event will be in Malta
bella roseNovember 15, 2011
wish i could go......
LucaNovember 15, 2011
A chi lo dici Maria !
mariaNovember 15, 2011
Vorrei tanto esserci ma purtroppo mi e impossibile
Kevin HulmeNovember 14, 2011
"A man is usually measured by his success and wealth, while most get there by greed and deception, only a very few use words and passion to change people's lives! Kh This is going to be a night to remember! better get my tickets soon!!
Bradane MurielNovember 13, 2011
I hope one day it will be such an event in France!!!
julia pratherNovember 13, 2011
I have attended many personally meaningful "events" in the last few years which are timeless and irreplacable. An Evening with Sylvester Stallone cannot come soon enough.